6.24.21 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Bernstein
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 06-24-2021
Your Name; Mike Brumley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Left Bob Bernsteins house on south channel GH and headed out about 18 miles with his friend Bob, Tom Saska, and myself.  The weather was iffy but no rain and just a little choppy.  We were in search of gags and hogfish.  Tried shrimp and I got a hogfish right away, it was legal and the last one caught all day.  Tons of small, medium and huge grunts.  Lots of short red and gag grouper.  2 sharks were caught.  One Tom S and Bob B both had a hook in it, so after Tom fought it awhile he cut loose and Bob got to fight it for awhile.  Weird to see catfish 18 miles offshore.  Don’t know if we were over bad bottom or if red tide is chasing them out.  We all had a good time and each of us got hooked in to either sharks or goliaths that fought us hard and broke us off.  Early day in around 1:30 pm so home by 3pm.  Thanks to Bob Bernstein for a nice and safe day on the water.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. 24 in gag grouper – Mike B
14 in hogfish – Mike B