10.27.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; BOB COHEN
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 10-27-2021
Your Name; BOB COHEN
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below We decided to get a trip in before the lousy weather forecasted for Thursday and Friday. We left ANCLOTE HARBOR at 10 AM. Tide was falling. When we got to the gulf, we headed North and stopped briefly at ICW GREEN 7 and tried a drift but nothing there. We continued North to ICW GREEN 5 and went east from there until we were in 5 ft and started our drift. The wind was very light but the current drifted us North East. We fished with PADDLE TAIL’s. Surprisingly we had a number of bite offs of the plastics all the way up to the hook by BLOW FISH. We picked up a number of small trout 15’s & 16’s. I moved back to the GREEN 5 and tried a drift in deeper water but all we picked up was 1 small JACK on a shrimp under a cork. I had 1 clean bite off of my line which was probably a MACK.  For our last drift I moved back to 5 ft where we had our best luck and picked up more trout. We called it quits at 230 and headed in. Nice day of fishing.