11.10.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Butch kaelin
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 11-10-2021
Your Name; Denis surette
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below After last night’s meeting butch and I decided to try our luck  fishing today. We hit the water at 8am at the dock of the anclote with high hopes of getting something to bite our baits.The tide was going out so we headed to a spot we use to go too but haven’t fished  in a long time. Parked the boat and and two casts later a good size red fish on my line . Butch followed with a nice fat long trout . We haven’t seen them this year like that. Left the site and went up river a little bit but never got anything of size so we tried the edge of the river with some cut bait ang got a real  nice big cat. It was a great day for butch’s boat so off we went to our few spots on the flats.We listened to the guides last night  and went looking for some spots . Low and behold we found what they were talking about. The tide was turning and We started drifting in about 8ft of water going over water that changed depth  between 8ft to 4 ft back up to 7 ft back down to sometimes 3 ft . There really wasn’t a bite in the deep water but once it got shallow bang it was like look out . Nice lady fish,big fat trout . The water was a lot warmer in the shallow with the sun out and the fish decided to bite our gulp bait.It made our day a great day of fishing .
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Denis 19 3/4in trout