Name of Captain; Joe stand
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 06-07-2022
Your Name; Joe  Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. We had the perfect day to run offshore and my neighbor and his daughter wanted to go so off we went at 6am we ran more south about 60 miles looking for bigger fish we fished two hours tried different spots nothing not even a lane we decided to go back where we have been catching them we headed 10 miles north when we arrive the bite was instant quite a few throw backs but we only made one drift got our limit and headed home in the pool by 1 the drift was a steady pick till the end the last four keepers came in 15 minutes we a brute Bonnie caught the bait of choice was threadfin with some grunt pieces mixed in also caught a few lane and vermilion fun day for our neighbor and his daughter.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Bonnie Allen 32.5 red grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No


Name of Captain; Stu Johnson
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 06-06-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. We woke up here in the Keys to low winds and sunny skies so Jack H, Mike S and me joined Capt Stu for some offshore fishing for Dolphin.  We were out for about 5 hours of trolling and the bite was really slow but we did boat one dolphin. We finally  did some casting at grass clusters and managed too more.  We didn’t boat a lot of fish but had a great time on the water and had enough for dinner.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes


Name of Captain; Stu Johnson
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 06-05-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Stu Johnson, Paul Johnson, Mike Spanhel, Jack Hexter and me had spent the last two days waiting for a break in the weather after driving down to Sommerland Key  The weather final broke today so we launched the boat and headed out for a few hours of yellow tail snapper fishing on the reef.  Luck was with us and we caught both yellow tail snapper and paloneto.  We fished for about 2.5 hours and ended up with enough for a fish fry tonight and fish to smoke for dip.  Tomorrow Mia Mia, watch for the report.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.27.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 05-27-2022
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. I was out on the Dock getting ready to drop the boat when I saw a ton of jacks blowing up in the canal !! There some harring at em , and out of nowhere , this 29 3/4 red hammered the bait … was a good fight around the pilings ,.. also Saturday the wife , my neighbor Todd fished , we caught some trout and by catch !!! But the highlight of the day was we whent to Anclote to fish and spent 3 -hours chasing massive Schools of Tarpon !!!! We threw , pilchards , shrimp , pins …. They would look , but they just wouldn’t eat !!! Absolutely Love where we live !!!!
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Red      29 3/4
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.27.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Rajun Cajun
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 05-27-2022
Your Name; Terry  Reelitz
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Had the pleasure of tagging along with Eric Harrison on his Charter trip he won from the Rajun Cajun Charters for WTF Kids, which was donated to the WTF initiative.Headed out about 9:00 AM, wind was blowing pretty good with a lackluster incoming tide.Pretty tough conditions, it looked like the deck was stacked against, but the Rajun Cajun charged out from the dock with lightning bolts coming from his fingertips.It only took his second stop to find some feeding Snook – it was game on!Over the next couple hours Eric and I caught +12 Snook, both of us lost some ‘Big Girls’ that broke us off. Captain was getting ready to break out the 50 lb. Big Game for leaders, we lost some toads that bit us off.Unfortunately, about that time some nasty red/yellow storms were making a beeline to Bayport.Time to head in, and it was good we did as the white caps reared their ugly heads – got a little wet on the way in – it was a wild and exciting ride!!!!!So, Captain said he was sorry about the pesky Snook keeping us from putting some Redfish/Trout in the skillet – so we have to go back for them. No arguing from me and Eric.A good time was had by all!Thank you, Captain Dencil for all you do for the WTF Kids!!!All Snook were safely returned to fight another day.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.21.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 5-21-2022
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Wife and I went out sat around 11, it was incoming tide , we fished out front of gulf Harbors , more toward south channel , better grass , we caught 14 trout , 6 of them were 15 inches or bigger .. which was really nice to see ! Then my wife hooked into a nice 20in trout , we ended o. That note , rain was moving in , good to have my fishing buddy , back on the boat !! Also all fish are back in the water ..
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. 20 in Trout    Shelli
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.19.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Frank Bellizio
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 05-19-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. I received a call from an old business partner and best friend from Wichita saying he was going to come down for a couple days of fishing.  As it turned out Thursday was the only day that had good enough weather but we fished the area in front of the power plant and south of the Anclote river mouth on the spoil islands.  We caught quite a few trout but most in the 14″ range.  It was a nice steady bite all day but I caught the largest trout of the day which was 17″.  We used primarily Gulp plastic but a few fish were caught on live shrimp.  The fish were in deeper water 6′ to 10′.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.19.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Dave Diehl
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 05-19-2022
Your Name; Tom Saska
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Departed the dock shortly after 8am.  The weather report called for calm water, low winds, high temperature and humidity.  Went straight out to Pasco 4 and found no life below the water line.  Decided to head out WNW another 19 miles to deeper water.  Once we arrived there was nothing visible on the hard bottom.  Flat bottom with no fish marks or rock piles.  We decided to just drop down and drift anyway.  There was an immediate flurry of action with over 15 groupers (reds, gags and one rock hind).  All were shorts but we had a great time pulling them in.  My highlight was hooking into an ARS that run off at least 50 yards of 65# braid off my reel.  Great day fishing with Dave Diehl and Robbie Robinson.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. 31.5″ ARS – Tom Saska22″ Gag Grouper – Dave Diehl
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.19.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Freddie Penrow
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 05-19-2022
Your Name; Joseph Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. It’s was a beautiful day for the long ride out to a spot a little further south the seas were flat calm we fished between 103 ft to 118 ft deep and the bait was threadfin we caught a lot of throwback red grouper , it was so calm we had no drift at all but we finally ended up with 8 in the box with a few lanes and vermilion we had several big ARS that were released also Bonnie was catching a few sharks what a workout in that heat , we had a big turtle swim right to the boat and a big barracuda took a throw back red grouper we released it was a good day, everyone put fish in the box we’ll almost everyone , it was a fun day
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Bonnie Allen 27.5 Ars                         Freddie Penrow 26 Ars.                         Mike Spanhel 26 red grouper.               Joe Stand 27 red grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

5.14.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Mike Kaplan
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 05-14-2022
Your Name; Mike Kaplan
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Saturday was such a great day, we decided to fight the weekend crowd at Nick’s Park and go Red Grouper fishing. the water was super calm for the 2 hour run out to 100 feet of water. The first spot we stopped at had numerous schools of Amberjack. but they all had lockjaw. I guess they knew it was open season. We also caught and released several nice ARS. By the end of the day. we had caught 3 keeper Red Grouper, 3 Mangrove Snapper and misc. Lane and Vermillion Snapper.At 2 we headed back to the dock. Another great day fishing with friends.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Mike Kaplan – ARS 26 1/2 in
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes