3.3.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Frank Bellizio
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 03-03-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. The weather and wind finally cooperated today, so Bob Sherley and I headed out for a day of inshore fishing.  Considering how slow it has been for the last month or so we didn’t expect much but a boat ride and a great day on the water.  For the first hour or so we seached the waters around the mouth of the Anclote with no real luck, just a few lizard fish.  We finally made our way to Marker 5 and did a slow drift where we started picking up Sand Seatrout and Southern Kingfish.  The bite was on for about 4 hours and then it just stopped as quickly as it had started.  There were no monsters but both species, pound for pound, put on a good fight.  Soft plastic, new penny color, on a jig head was the bait of choice.

2.26.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Freddie Penrow
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-26-2022
Your Name; Joe  Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. They left the dock at 7 am and returned to the dock at 12:30pm with there limit of red grouper  two fish over 30 and the rest between 23 and 27 the sea was calm with fog at 50 miles they also released  three keepers that were 21 inches another great day of fishing
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Bonnie Allen 31.25  inch red grouper.          Freddie Penrow 27 inch red grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No

02.27.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Freddie Penrow
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-27-2022
Your Name; Joe Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. The last good day to make the 50 mile run it was another great day and the fish cooperated also the bite was slow till late morning then it exploded we got the eight fish we needed plus a few small keepers we released most all fish were caught on threadfin and a few on squirrel fish the size ran between 23 and 29 inches another fun day.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Freddie Penrow 29 inch Red Grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No

2.25.22 Offshore

Name of Captain; Freddie Penrow
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-25-2022
Your Name; Joe Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Freddie, Bonnie, Rick and my self took another ride out 50 miles the seas were flat visibility was great we made good time we caught our limit in 1 1/2 hrs we released a couple keepers and had about 6 throwbacks most all fish were caught on threadfin and a few on squirrel fish they all ranged between 23 and 27 inches with one at 31 inches a short fun day we were back at the dock early afternoon.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Joe stand 31 inch red grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No

2.23.22 Inshore

Name of Captain; Capt Eric
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-23-2022
Your Name; Bob  Bernstein
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Tom Saska & I heard from friend Jeff that a few big Redfish were being caught in Tampa bay. We could not connect with the reds on our last trip so  we thought we should try for the Reds again. We hooked up with Capt Eric and went to Tampa Bay.  It was a foggy morning then the weather changed to great. After some delay the fish were coming our way. White bait was on the menu but the Reds wanted cut bait. Many fish were caught including these two. Also caught a hefty Jack and a Snook.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Bob Bernstein 29″ Redfish
Tom Saska 27″ Redfish

All fish were returned to the water and swam away. They will be bigger next time.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

2.23.22 Offshore

Name of Captain; Joe stand
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-23-2022
Your Name; Joe  Stand
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. We left my house at 7 am the fog was thick but we  went slow till it cleared around 8:45 we could run we got to our spot around 50 miles offshore we sent a rod down with a threadfin and had a fish on immediately we fished 2 hrs had our 6 keepers and released two more keepers and quit fishing grouper then put squid on for lane had no luck so we headed home with calm seas and good visibility .
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Ed Cooley 28.5 inch red grouper.               Bonnie Allen 27.75  inch red grouper.           Joe Stand 26 inch red grouper
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No


Name of Captain; Kaplan Mike
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-23-2022
Your Name; Mike Kaplan
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Mike K, Terry F, Mike B and Mark C, left Nick’s Park for a day of Red Grouper fishing. Seas and winds were calm but the Red grouper were hard to find. We finally ended up with a total of 4. Mark C caught a nice 20 in Mango. We stumbled on a huge school of monster Redfish landing to beauties. Terry F had the biggest but it broke his line. Another memorable day of fishing.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Mike Kaplan.    Redfish 36 in
Mike Kaplan.    Red Snapper 17 1/2 in
Mark Cummisky Redfish 39 3/4 in
Mark Cummisky Red Grouper 25 in
Mark. Cummisky Mangrove Snapper 20in
Mike Brumley Red Grouper 26 3/4 in
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

2.23.22 Offshore

Name of Captain; Capt Mike Spanhel
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 02-23-2022
Your Name; Terry Reelitz
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Captain Mike Spanhel invited Dave Taylor, Stu Johnson, Terry Reelitz, and a friend named Bubba along for a day planned to chase down some Sheepies.

The plan was to head out to Pasco #4 tanks, a thick morning fog made the trip out a little dicey, but we arrived before the morning rush. It was kinda spooky when you could hear other boats but not see them, but we arrived safely non-the less.

Loaded up with 12 dozen nice sized regular shrimps thanks to our friends at Rusty Bucket.

The day called for spinning gear with Hogballs and Fish-finder rigs. Tide was light early, so we only needed 3/4 – 1 oz weights to stay in contact with bottom structure. The key was finding some kind of structure.

As the morning progressed it got rather busy out there, with 7-10 boats arounds us at any time. Had the usual friendlies that wanted to snuggle up with us because we were on a hot bite.

Had one local that circled us once to get our #’s.
I guess being copied is the greatest form of flattery – because we were Fish On! for the day.

Ended up only keeping 4 Sheepies, several nice sized grunts and Mangrove Snappers.

We tossed back at least 20 more big Sheepies. The Sheepies ran 17″-20″ for the day.

I have to thank Mike for inviting his friend Bubba to come along for the day – Bubba made it nice and easy to deal with those Sheepies at the cleaning table. I will be shopping today!!!

The cooler had plenty of fish for Tacos, the seas were calm, and it was getting crowded – so we headed in about 1:30.

“A good time was had by all”
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No

2.22.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain;
Butch kaelin
Where were you fishing?
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report;
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed.
The date you went fishing;
Feb 22, 2022
Your Name;
Denis Surette
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also.
Butch and I decided to give fishing a try after all these weeks of not fishing. We got to the ramp and there 5 trailers empty so they were in early . We never saw another boat coming out till almost 11. It seemed strange for such a nice day. We went in at 8am with the tide going out and the sun coming up . The water was 66 degrees so we figured the bite would be good. We troweled out the river without a fish hitting the lures we usually use. We fished out on the flats were we usually catch fish. We were moving a lot trying to get something to bite ,little taps but nothing going in the boat. Not a trout to be seen ,one lizard ,one puffer, not very good. Butch had a big hit but when he got it to the boat it was a good size turtle. A nice fight but not what we were looking for. We decided to head up the river to see if the bite was like a few weeks ago. The river didn’t disappoint us .we went up there about a month ago and found some spots. 19 to main st. A couple of weeks ago ,main st to Madison bridge. The river holds a lot of nice fish at different spots . We spent the rest of the day in about a 100 yard stretch catching really nice ladyfish around 50 and about the same for jacks. Baits were some plastic but most of the time 808’s . The picture ofthe two jacks getting caught on the same plug .one on the front hook and the other on the rear hook . We had no clue what it was until i got it too the boat. We called it a day at 2 ,our arms were getting tired , We can’t believe we never saw a fish on the flats and are wondering were the trout have gone?

2.20.22 Inshore

Name of Captain; Capt Rich
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-18-2022
Your Name; Bob Bernstein
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Tom Saska and I wanted to try Capt Rich. After a few cold weather cancellations we chose a day, still cold but fishable.  Our target Trout & Redfish. We were near long point. We made hundreds of casts for 7 hours saw some reds but could not connect. We did catch a bunch of fun filled jumping ladies and a few trout including this big one in the picture.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Bob Bernstein Trout 22 3/4″
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. No