02.11.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Kaplan Mike
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 02-11-2022
Your Name; Miike Kaplan
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Taking advantage of a break in the weather, Jim T, Mike B, Mark C and myself headed out from Nick’s Park for some Red Grouper fishing. After a 2 hour bouncy ride we found some good bottom in 100 feet of water. We started getting fish right away but they were small. We moved around to a dozen spots and managed to find 4 keepers to 22 inches. The water temp was 63 degrees and the bite was slow. We were using Threadfin Herring and Pinfish.  Guess the Red Grouper don’t like cold windy weather either. At 230 we decided to call it a day and headed for the barn.

02.10.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; phillip ackley
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-10-2022
Your Name; phillip ackley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Nice day so Bill Herr, Dick Little and myself decided to kayak. Dick caught a nice fat 20 inch trout, 24 + snook and a red, inshore slam.  Bill caught a nice trout and I managed ten trout with the smallest 15 and largest 18 3/4.  Nice day on the water with good friends and fish caught, fun. All fish but three trout relreased.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Richard Little, 20 inch trout
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

2.10.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Jessie Jr
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 02-10-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Terry Reelitz, Mike Spanhel and I decided to take advantage of the fine weather today so we went out on the Two Georges for a day of offshore fishing.  As expected we caught quite a few Grunts and Terry boated one keeper hogfish.  We did see a couple grouper, one red and one gag boated but niether were keepers.  We were fishing in about 40′ of water with squid and shrimp.


Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? INSHOREOTHER
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 02-05-2022
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Fished the flats of Gulf Harbors today. Caught 4 mackerel and 1 trout. Expected more but it is winter and was grateful for fish. Used live shrimp as bait and a chum bag. I caught a redfish and a sheepshead off the dock. Truly beautiful fish. Every fish I caught went back safely in the water. Fish are fighting hard between the weather conditions and the red tide this year. I want them to grow and be able to catch them another day.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Trout – 15 inchesRedfish- 26-3/4 inches
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes

2.2.22 OTHER

Name of Captain; Denis
Where were you fishing? OTHER
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 02-02-2022
Your Name; Denis Surette
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Just back from Boston and thought I would see how the river was since I left 2 months ago. The water running in it is maybe 3-2 ft  with a lot of trash in it. I have a few spots that I  usually fish with a small top water lure.  The water is pretty cold now and I didn’t think I was going to. Get any fish to bite. It was a surprise that I did get a few small hits with little bass in the 6-8 in size.They seemed to like what I  was giving them. A little 4in top water .Went to another spot which usually has bigger fish .The bottom is clear in spots and I saw little newly hatched bass in the water swimming against the light current, which is a good sign, for the coming year. A few small hits of the small size like before.After a few more cast I went to the pond at my place to see how that was. When I left for Boston it was about 2 ft deep so the gators had a field day eating the large bass I had put in before I left. To my surprise I got two nice bass on a 6in worm that Fred and I have used for 20 yrs and they still catch fish. The shady side I didn’t have a hit but once on the sunny side these two nice bass made my afternoon .  fishing the bank with a slow retrieve with a weed less worm. Back to saltwater I hope next .


2.3.22 OTHER

Name of Captain; Frank Bellizio
Where were you fishing? OTHER
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 02-03-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Wow, finally a break in the weather.  The weather was warm but the wind was still up so Bill Herr and I decided to see if we could find some fish up the Anclote River.  We had some frozen shrimp on board and tried them several times but evidently they were not what the fish were working for.  Just for kicks and grins we decided to troll up the river until we found our first spot to fish.  We were in front of the restaurants at the sponge docks when Bill hooked up with what turned out to be a Bluefish about 20 inches long.  He was a real scrapper and when we reached the Alt 19 bridge we turned around again and trolled up and back to the bridge with no hits.  Just as we were going under the bridge on Alt 19 I got hit and this time it was another 20″ Bluefish.  We continued up the river stopping several times to fish areas until we were up near the old golf course with still no additional fish so we made a quick run back to the area just east of the Alt 19 bridge.  We each hooked up with Ladyfish apiece that were over 20″ but that was it for the day.  It might not have been the best day of fishing ever but Bill and I enjoyed the warm sun and great scenery and fishing.

1.31.22 inshore

Name of Captain; phillip ackley
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 01-31-2022
Your Name; phillip ackley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Richard L, Bill H and myself decided the sun was shinning and we should go kayak fishing.  Arrived at the launch at 8 AM and it was a low tide, -1.04, had to do some walking while pulling kayaks, not too bad.  Sheepshead were biting and nice sized.  Richard caught nine, I got two and Bill caught one.  We changed locations to target trout, Bill caught four nice sized ones, two at 18 1/2 and two at over 16, Richard caught a couple small ones and released them, I caught five with the biggest being 19 1/4 and the smallest 15, all released. Turned out to be a really good day for all with good friends, came in at about 2 PM.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Trout, Bill Herr, 18 1/2Trout, Phil Ackley , 19 1/4
This fish was caught during a closed season for this species but was released after being photographed. No

1.19.22 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Ed Cooley
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 01-19-2022
Your Name; Ed Cooley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. It was a good day although we could not get off the lift until noon. Ginger and I went out 13 miles looking for hog and sheephead. The bite was slow but Ginger caught 3 good sheephed and a nice black bass. I caught only a 4 inch bass and some coral. The seas were only a foot and the wind was mild and it was a little chilly but it was a good day to get out on the water, especially as the weather looks iffy for a while
This fish was caught during a closed season for this species but was released after being photographed. No

01.20.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; phillip ackley
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 01-20-2022
Your Name; phillip ackley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Bill Herr, Dick Little, prior club member Ken Jacobson and I went kayaking in salt springs today and did rather well.  Ken caught a 21 and 29 1/2 inch red, Bill and Dick each caught two nice sheepshead.  Dick and myself had flounders up to the kayak but they got off before we could land them.  I caught 10 nice trout with the smallest 15 and two at 17 1/2,  Fun day on the water with good friends.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. Trout, 17 1/2, Phil.