8.21.21 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; Mike Kaplan
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-21-2021
Your Name; Mike Kaplan
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Left Nick’s Park Sat at 6 with crew of Mark C, Terry F, and friend Kevin, to fish for Red Grouper. Due to malfunction with Rhodan GPS Anchor we spent the day drift fishing. The ride out 50 miles was very bumpy fighting a Northwest wind.
We used Threadfin Herring along with squid. Red Grouper were quite plentiful, however most were under 20 inches. By 230 we had caught our limit, with several large fish up to 29 inches. A school of small Mahi Mahi, at one point came around the boat. After chumming with cut bait, Mark managed to catch two small Mahi. There is no size limit in the Gulf.
We headed home at 230, and enjoyed a smooth ride home. Another great day fishing in the Gulf.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Mark Cummiskey. Red Grouper 29 1/2”
Mike Kaplan. Red Grouper 27”

8.21.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-21-2021
Your Name; Bob & Shelli Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below My wife and I left the Dock at 10:30, fished high tide until 12:20,after the tide changed it was about half an hour then the bite turned on !! We had a total of 37 trout, 9 keepers ‘ which we are not keeping right now, wife caught a 19-3/4 fat trout, I caught 20 inch as well !! Wife also caught two sharks … she was hot today !! Also mostly trout, we as usual fished the flats, drifting, using shrimp and a spoon .. was a really nice Day …..
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Trout 20” – Bob Sauban
19-3/4” – Shelli Sauban

8.20.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Terry Reelitz
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-20-2021
Your Name; Terry Reelitz
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Mary and I headed out late morning for a couple hours to blow the dust of the BeachCat.
Winds were light and tide was switching to outgoing.

Headed out to Pasco 4 Red, water was cleaner but 87-88 degress and floating grass was thick.

Bite was slow even with shrimp – one keeper Tout for the day.

Water over by the Tiki Hut looked inviting – finished off the day floatin’ and sippin’

Felt good to get out there – ‘a good time was had by all’

If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Mary Muir-Reelitz 16 ” Trout

8.20.21 OFFSHORE

Name of Captain; BOB COHEN
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 08-20-2021
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below We left ANCLOTE HABOR at 1030 and headed out. Since the wind was very light and storm threats were very low we decided to go do our version of offshore (6 miles out) 30 feet of water. The last time we did this a few weeks back it was the dead zone with lots of dead fish floating including a GOLIATH. We did not see any floaters today which is a improvement but we still caught very few fish in a area that usually produces lots of fish (mostly GRUNTS). Another fisherman I talked to back at the dock while cleaning my boat felt the RED TIDE was affecting his fishing until he got beyond 60 feet. Best fish of the day was a single PORGY.


8.18.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Mike Travica
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-18-2021
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Mike and I headed out for a morning of inshore fishing just to see what effects the Red Tide had on the area.  We used all artificial lures, mostly Gulp.  It was dead high tide and we tried the area up the Anclote River past the Alt 19 bridge but the water wasn’t moving and we didn’t even have a bite.  We moved out into the area in front of Gulf Harbors and caught fish in 3 to 11 ft for about 3 hours.  We then moved to the flats near 5A marker on the Anclote River channel and picked up a few more trout.  The size was between 13 and 16 inches on the trout.  We also caught black sea bass, puffers and catfish.  Around 1:30 pm it started to get hot so we headed in.  It was a great day of fishing, thanks Capt. Mike for putting on fish all day.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Mike T 14″ Gag Grouper
Mike T 151/4″ Trout
Frank B 141/4″ Trout

8.14.21 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-14-2021
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Fished early on outgoing tide. Tide was ripping. Fished the flats in shallow water 2-1/2 -4 feet. Used live shrimp. Caught about 16-18 trout. One good sized bonnethead.  A few solid ones. Most important thing was breaking in the new Fish On shirts!
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Trout 17-3/4 -Shelli Sauban
Trout 17-3/4 -Bob Sauban


Name of Captain; Mike Kaplan
Where were you fishing? OFFSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 08-09-2021
Your Name; Mike  Kaplan
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Wife Judy and I took our boat on Sunday and drove to Key West for our annual week of Mahi fishing. The first 2 days, we fished in 15 knot winds and 4-5 foot seas. We trolled Ballyhoo and lures and caught a total of 5 Mahi and 1 Barracuda and did a whole lot of bouncing. We used skirts on the Ballyhoo and pink and white seemed the color of preference. We had most of our action in 400 feet of water.
At the end of the second fishing day, we decided to sightsee on Wed and head home Thursday to avoid  Tropical Storm Fred. Even though our trip was shorter than planned, we both still had a great time. We will always be ready to go again.

8.11.21 OTHER

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? OTHER
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 08-11-2021
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Fishing in the canal and there were a ton of Jacks. Outgoing tides and used live shrimp.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. Jack 19”

Reel Repair

I received a call from one of the guests at our August meeting wanting the phone number for Steve, the reel repair guy so here is Steve’s information for all who have not received the Meeting Highlights email.

Steven Wilbur
Crown Fishing Tackle
2194 Main Street
Dunedin, FL 34698
727 277-3760


8.10.21 OTHER

Name of Captain; Terry Reelitz
Where were you fishing? OTHER
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 08-10-2021
Your Name; Terry Reelitz
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Had a doctor appointment this morning so I got a late start looking to ‘rip some lips’.

Stopped at Rusty Bucket Baithouse, New Port Richey Main Street to pick up some pinfish with the intent to head down to Fred Howard Causeway to check out Red Tide….

After getting a couple dozen pins (nice price I might add!) headed down and caught the middle of an incoming tide.

Water is still slightly dis-colored but was moving at a pretty good clip- we just had a New Moon on Sunday, so that was to be expected.

Out of the gate, caught a nice frisky 25” Snook out in front of one the bridges, followed up by a lot of Mangrove Snappers…

Action slowed for what ever reason until the tide turned to outgoing then all hell broke loose as I caught 6 Redfish (pins again) biggest was 23”.

Pins were all hooked through the front snout and free lined with just a small ‘clam bullet sinker’, no float.

Snook and Redfish that were caught were either caught out in front of the bridges with the tide or under the bridge about 25’ back.

Had 2 ‘mongo attacks’ that eventually broke off under the bridges – I will be shopping for heavier outfits.

‘A good time was had by all’ except the two mongo’s that will have sore lips tonight