2.21.21 Inshore

The date you went fishing; 02-21-2021
Your Name; Phillip Ackley
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report do not state the fish’s length in this box. State the length and species in the box below Jim M, Bill H, and I went kayak fishing on this windy day.  Didn’t really expect much but the day turned out really good.  Caught at least 40 Large black drums 19 to 23 inches,  Jim pulled in several of them and this 29 inch red, very pretty fish.  I managed a 26 inch red and three at 17 inches.  Came in at about 2:30, a fun day.
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box:
JimM, red, 29 inches
Phil A, red, 26 inches.