5.19.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Frank Bellizio
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; No
The date you went fishing; 05-19-2022
Your Name; Frank Bellizio
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. I received a call from an old business partner and best friend from Wichita saying he was going to come down for a couple days of fishing.  As it turned out Thursday was the only day that had good enough weather but we fished the area in front of the power plant and south of the Anclote river mouth on the spoil islands.  We caught quite a few trout but most in the 14″ range.  It was a nice steady bite all day but I caught the largest trout of the day which was 17″.  We used primarily Gulp plastic but a few fish were caught on live shrimp.  The fish were in deeper water 6′ to 10′.
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes