5.21.22 INSHORE

Name of Captain; Bob Sauban
Where were you fishing? INSHORE
Is this a tournament entry Fishing Report; Yes
The date you went fishing; 5-21-2022
Your Name; Bob  Sauban
Your Fishing Report: If this is a tournament report fill out the box below also. Wife and I went out sat around 11, it was incoming tide , we fished out front of gulf Harbors , more toward south channel , better grass , we caught 14 trout , 6 of them were 15 inches or bigger .. which was really nice to see ! Then my wife hooked into a nice 20in trout , we ended o. That note , rain was moving in , good to have my fishing buddy , back on the boat !! Also all fish are back in the water ..
If this report includes a tournament entry please state the species and length of the fish caught in this box. If the fish was caught during a closed season check the box below. 20 in Trout    Shelli
This fish was either caught during a closed season for this species or was under or oversized for the slot but was released after being photographed. Yes